A Comprehensive Guide to Male Infertility Treatment
The problem of childlessness has by tradition been women's. When her partner can't conceive naturally, men are equally liable. After one year of normal, unprotected sex, a couple is said to be infertile if they can't conceive.
Men cause one in three cases of infertility
Men can face the most complex challenge of infertility when they are diagnosed. There's a mental health problem going on. Men struggling with infertility can benefit from the best sexologist in India.
This blog discusses male infertility, sperm formation, causes of infertility, symptoms, and treatment. Let's begin.
How do sperm form?
A sperm is produced in the testicles (the oval organs inside the scrotum). An epididymis lies on top of each testicle, where sperms are stored once formed. A gland along the way produces semen, which nourishes sperm. Through the penis, men release around 150 million sperm during ejaculation.
Testosterone, hormones, and the functioning of the nervous system are all determined by this way.
Menstruation ends 14 days after ovulation. A pregnancy can result from sex anytime before ovulation. Having sex after ovulation, even one day later, won't cause pregnancy.
Why are men infertile?
Male factors donate to infertility in half of the cases. A third of couples fail to conceive because of male infertility. There are several reasons why men face infertility due to low sperm counts or abnormal sperm:
Itchy testicles
Surgical testis
Scrotum varicocele
Any infection causing fever
Cancer chemotherapy
Deficiency of testosterone
Abnormal genes
Hormonal issues
Anti-seizure or anabolic steroids
How can male infertility be treated?
Treatment for male infertility aims to reverse its effects so couples can become pregnant naturally. Infertility treatments for men include:
Surgery for varicocele:
Surgically blocking abnormal veins can significantly improve ejaculation.
Treatments with hormones:
It is possible to cure hormonal abnormalities by taking medicine, changing one's lifestyle, or undergoing surgery.
Treatment for obstructions:
It is sometimes possible to correct obstructions in the sperm transport plumbing with surgery.
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