Have you consulted an urologist?

Urology is the field which is the study of the diseases related to the urinary tract of men and women. The doctors who study urology and become doctors in this field are known as urologists who are qualified to treat diseases affecting the bladder, ureter, kidney, urethra and adrenal glands.

However, they treat men differently as they treat all disorders related to the prostate, penis, seminal vesicles, epididymis and the testes. They can also operate on patients by conducting surgeries if required for removing cancer tumors or blockage in the urinary system.

How do you know it’s time to see an urologist?

An urologist in doctor terms is the physician of the urinary tract system. Since our bladder and urinary tract is constantly working and formulating the body’s food material, it can certainly face issues every now and then which are why you need to be careful.

If you feel a burning sensation while peeing, you might have contracted urinary tract infection or UTI. There can be serious ailments suffered by our urinary system such as cancer.

However, you should consult a general physician who will find if your symptoms are serious and need consultation from an urologist.

What are the symptoms for urological problems?

Some symptoms that you can look out for are:

  • Difficulty in urination

  • Weak urine flow

  • Urine leakage

  • Burning sensation during urination

  • Constant need to urinate

  • Blood in urine also known as hematuria

  • Decrease in sexual desires for man

  • A lump in the testicles

  • If a man faces trouble in getting an erection, it could be a sign of erectile dysfunction.

What are the diseases that can be treated by an Urologist?

Urologist is a bladder cancer doctor essentially and can even treat other diseases such as:

  • Prostatitis or enlarged prostate gland

  • Infertility

  • Cancers of kidneys, penis, bladder, adrenal and testicle glands.

  • Kidney stones and diseases

  • Urinary tract infections

  • Painful bladder syndrome

  • Urinary incontinence which is more common in women than men.

  • Bladder prolapsed where bladder falls into the vagina.


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